Monday, December 2, 2013

The "Bling" Blog

A few weeks ago was my alma mater's homecoming.  Since there was no way I could go to the game, I decided to rock Tiger Pride by painting my fingernails "tiger blue."  So, my nails were blue most of the week.  The girls, in particular, liked this and would touch my fingernails saying "oh, Teacher, bling bling."

First of all, I hate that expression.

Second, I hate that it denotes that something only has value if it is shiny and pretty.


In context, it makes since…my nails were shiny and pretty.  And it got some students talking to me, at least for a moment, so I chose not to fight that fight.  Besides, it is good for them to know a little slang.

So, today, I was getting ready for my Third Period class…it's is Grade 2 kids, a really smart and well-behaved group.  (And they didn't hurt my feelings by asking if they could skip my class for independent study like my last 4 Grade 2 classes have.)  A couple of students even came early to class, which never fails to make me practically giddy in my happiness (punctuality is a problem in most of my classes).  The conversation went something like this:

Student A: Oh, Teacher, your hair bling bling.
Student B: Your face, too.

Never mind that I am fighting down laughter from all the "your face" jokes that popped into my head.  But now what does that phrase mean?  It is definitely a compliment…I'm just not sure how.  Pretty, maybe?  My nails, hair, and face could all be pretty.  Hopefully, not shiny…shiny face is not exactly a compliment.

Anyway, I said thank you.

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