Thursday, December 19, 2013

Creative Poetry 5 (2013)

I am "Jax", I have three fingers
I wonder why I have three fingers
I hear, "why do you have three fingers."
I see other's finger.
I want to have five fingers.

I am "Jax."
I pretend I have five fingers.
I feel so good.
I touch my fake fingers.
I worry about someone's discovery of the secret.
I cry why I have three fingers.

I am "Jax"
I understand why I have three fingers.
I say, "I have three fingers!!!"
I dream someone acknowledge my fingers.
I try to use my fingers well
I hope my fingers do everything

I am "Jax", I have three fingers.

"Jax" is champion of League of Legend
He have three fingers.

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