Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year!

It is almost 2014 here in Korea, and I wanted to start the year off right.

I haven’t written anything personal in a bit, but I am working on changing that.  I have a couple of adventures on the horizon and they will hopefully pan out.


It feels like a long time since I said goodbye to my friends and family back in the states.  I feel quite far away from them...and not just in a physical sense...I mean, I moved half-way around the world, I was bound to lose touch with a few.  I miss them, but more that the people I left behind, I miss my “fur-babies”...what can I say?  My life’s ambition is to be a crazy-cat lady.

Ironically, it doesn’t feel like I have been in Korea any time at all.  My day to day life is well set, I love my students more than I ever would have imagined, and I have made some fantastic new friends.  But I haven’t spent that much time getting in touch with my “roots”, so to speak.  I dabble at learning Korean...I even had a student that would come and teach me a new word everyday for awhile, and I try to the point of being pathetic to be culturally Korean and copy everything I see right down to how my co-workers eat lunch so I can eat like a Korean.

Funny to think that just a little over three months ago when students saw me in public they would make themselves smaller and walk faster.  Now, they speak and wave to me in public, or in the case of some of my favorites, see me first and get my attention if I don’t see them.  (I really do love my kids more than I can say!  I honestly feel so lucky that I ended up where I am that I have such wonderful students!  They are all very special to me!)

And I have changed.  Not dramatically, but I have...you don’t make a major life change without a few alterations.  I think, and by that I mean “I hope”, I am becoming more Korean.  Three months ago I touched down in Incheon ugly-American style, with only the vaguest of ideas on how to behave like a Korean and armed with the “big three” in language (that is: hello, good-bye, and thank you).  My language still isn’t great, but I can at least move around without a neon arrow pointing me out as a foreigner.  I am comfortable enough to go places alone, and really, isn’t that what it’s all about...even if that behavior is not inherently Korean?

So, new year’s resolutions.  I could hit you with the basic “I want to lose weight” or “I want to save more money”, but I think I need to be honest with you and myself.  Without being too “hippy-dippy” part of coming to Korea was to awaken part of my soul that has been dormant.  An old man in Insadong asked me if I had any culture-shock when I got to Korea and I could honestly tell him “no.”  I mean, things were different, obviously, but I didn’t feel like I was being beaten over the head with the differences...I felt like I was learning things that had been pushed back into the farthest corners of my brain.  Yes, I have had to work on it, but there was never the point where I was so frustrated that I wanted to give up or even feel that homesick.  (Ok, yes, I miss home, but there is that little part of me that feels like I “am” home.  Not that I was ever culturally Korean before, but that I was discovering something inside of me that was lost.  So, more in a sense of that old country song that says “wherever you go, there you are” kinda deal.)

So, what do I want.  I want to become fluent (or fluent to a degree) in Korean.  I want to become more culturally Korean...learn Korean traditional dance and cooking.  I want to own my own hanbok and travel the country.  I want to learn how to play soccer.

And, since I am being honest, I want to be better at teaching.  I think I am doing ok, but I don’t know how much my students are retaining.  I am not placing focus on grammar and vocabulary (there are plenty of other teachers for that) but rather focusing on using the language.  So, I would love, and I mean, LOVE, for a student to walk away from my class feeling confident in their ability to use English.

EPIK 365 Day 98: The Wheels on the Bus...

Back home, I am pretty tied to my car…I love old Oscar (my car's name is Oscar, by the way).  So, how's a mover and shaker such as myself supposed to get around without a car?  Take the bus, of course!  The public transportation system here is really quite amazing!

Monday, December 30, 2013

EPIK 365 Day 97: Ice on the Lake

So, one more from Nongdari…can you tell I haven't done anything exciting lately?  But, really, it was so beautiful in the snow.  I like the ice on the lake that cuts the almost perfect reflection of the mountain.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

EPIK 365 Day 96: Safety Railing

Ok, so, I know, I know…it's just a safety railing.  The point is that there are traditional Korean houses on top of the posts…how cute!

EPIK 365 Day 95: Icicles

One more from my Nongdari hike…I just think these are so pretty!

Friday, December 27, 2013

EPIK 365 Day 94: Yut Nori

I've learned (more or less) how to play yut nori (or yunori)…a tradition Korean game.  I am still fuzzy on some of the rules, but can at least play.  :)  However, the best part is playing with the faculty at my school and getting to watch full-grown adults (how's that for a "Southernism") play like kids!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

EPIK 365 Day 93: Nong Bridge

Nong Bridge is the oldest bridge in Korea…over 10,000 years old…and made completely out of stones.  The teachers at my school always go for an end of the year celebration, eat lunch, and play games.  So, we walked from here to the restaurant…a nice little walk…and crossing Nongdari ("dari" is Korean for bridge) in the cold and snow is absolutely the most terrifying thing I have ever done.  The bridge itself was not scary, but the ice and snow and the constant fear of falling into the lake was!

EPIK 365 Day 92: My New Best Friend

So, my classroom typically hovers around 9C these days…that's about 48F, for you Americans.  Anyway, pretty cold.  They bought a kerosene heater for my room!  Now, on a good sunny day I can get the room up to almost 18C (or almost 64F)…quite toasty, comparatively!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Wishes(2013)

I had my students write Christmas wishes.  Here's a sampling.  As always, I am amazed with what my kids come up with. :)

Every people become very happy.  My hope university go.  Problem cancel in this world.

My Christmas wish is rainny because many couple break so I am happy.

Santa!  I wan to see him Christmas night.  I believe that Santa exist.  I wish that you talk my hope.  My hope is study well, diet well and happy my family.  Very important.  I will be beautiful, pretty, cute and lovely so I’ll make a handsome kind boyfriend like Kim Woo Bin.

Eating pizza!  Chicken!  black nuddle! Cheeze cake!  Play with my friends!

I want not lonely.  I want girlfriend.

I wish that white Christmas.  I wish that world peace.  I wish that make girlfriend.

I wish that my body little fat.  I wish my family are good health.  I wish my around all of the people will be happy.

Everything gonna be OKAY.  Eating many delicious food.  Making snowman.  Riding skating board.

First, I hope that my school grade gradually increase, so my future become bright and happy and rich.  Second, my family and neighbor become happy, so they will live interesting with me.  Third, I want to go abroad!! and meet EXO.

Snowing (white Christmas)  Meet my friends and see a movie.  Eat chicken.

I wish happy with my family.

I wish have a boyfriend.  And I wish white Christmas with boyfriend.  I wish eat delicious food and get money.  I wish travel on Christmas.
  1. I hope I can eat a lot of chocolates all over the world. 2. I want to play computer games all day.  3. I wan tto meet famous soccer player son Heung Min.  4. White Christmas.

Play lol very good victory forever and no defeat.

I wish I have very happy day with my family and friends.

(JUST) Don’t worry, be happy!!

My Christmas wish is south and north unification.

My Christmas with is...umm...I want to go to bed for long time

Nothing.  I am satisfied.

Let’s love together and not fight

Dreams come true.  I can do it anything and I wish boyfriend. and I’m happy.  Because happy new year!! and love family

EPIK 365 Day 91: Korean Pizza

Not too dramatically different from American pizza….I mean, it's different, but not so much it's like "what the heck is this?" when you bite into it different.  There's corn on it, I was warned there is corn on pizza here, but I'm ok with that.  I helps me buy into the whole "pizza is a vegetable" thing.

Monday, December 23, 2013

EPIK 365 Day 90: Yonghwa Temple

Another picture from the temple near school…I just love the contrast of colors against the white snow!

EPIK 365 Day 89: Tall Buddha

The Buddha at Yonghwa Temple near my school...he is over 7 meters (that's almost 23 feet) tall!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Friday, December 20, 2013

EPIK 365 Day 87: I Wish I Had a River I Could Skate Away On...

I had a "holiday" of sorts today…more like a day off because students would be testing all day and I tend to wander the halls when I am not teaching a class so they told me to stay home type day.  I went for a walk to see my first "proper" snowfall…beautiful!

Nature Poetry 8 (2013)

I am a cloud
I wonder why people are always busy
I hear people's talking.
I see earth
I want many people live relaxed

I am air
I pretend to
I feel all biology's breath
I touch all biology's body
I worry that to be pollute
I cry when I dirty

I am a turtle
I understand my slow body
I say to live slow
I dream to get rabbit's liver
I try to get it
I hope rabbit will be caught by me.

I am cat

Honest Poetry 2 (2013)

I am lonely boy
I wonder Christmas
I hear "happy Christmas!"
I see Christmas tree
I want happy Christmas with her

I am boy
I pretend cool boy
I feel loving
I touch my cellphone
I worry how rotten for her
I cry "I love you"

I am Jincheon high school student
I understand math
I say "that's easy!"
I dream math teacher
I try to study
I hope enter university

I am (student's name)

Creative Poetry 8 (2013)

I am white snow
I wonder what the people do
I hear Family's laughter
I see Family's smile
I want happy Christmas

I am Father
I pretend Santa Claus
I feel expectation
I touch my son
I worry my son doesn't like these presents
I cry with small voice "Merry Christmas"

I am Jincheon High School student
I understand why teacher say "You should do night study"
I say "I want to go home"
I dream I want to go home
I try to escape school
I hope happy day

I am Happy Christmas

Honest Poetry 1 (2013)

I am sky
I wonder what will happen for me
I hear a lot of sound in the world
I see everywhere
I want to be a great person

I am 17 years old
I pretend to be an adult
I feel very proud
I touch my book in the school
I worry about my life
I cry for the difficulty of my life but I have hope

I am volunteer
I understand to many poor people in the world.
I say that the world of peaceful
I try to be honest
I hope the world without concern

I am a space

Thursday, December 19, 2013

EPIK 365 Day 86: A Little More Snow!

Snowed off and on most of the day here.  We would have shut down long ago back home!

Creative Poetry 7 (2013)

I am a unskilled sailor
I wonder how to sail my life
I hear a lot of advice from people in front of me
I see many people who live happily or not
I want to be happy

I am premature boy
I pretend adult in my working
I feel solitude.  Many things press me
I touch my heart and heal my hurts
I worry about my looniness
I cry and that means I am growing

I am a captain in my life
I understand my dream and goal
I say that I'm happy
I dream to be person who gives helps people behind me
I try to touch other's heart and heal other's hurts.
I hope that everyone has happy thanks to me

I am a person who is given and gives love.

Nature Poetry 7 (2013)

I am little bud
I wonder who I am 
I hear wind
I see only ground
I want to see above ground

I am little tree
I pretend bamboo
I feel envious
I touch my physeal plate
I worry about the fact that I'm short
I cry everyday with fear.

I am bamboo
I understand I'm not tall
I say I'm always not happy
I dream to be happy
I try to see over the sky
I hope satisfy in now

I am perhaps greedy

Nature Poetry 6 (2013)

I am water
I wonder become large river
I hear water wave sound
I see many birds
I want large river

I am river
I pretend rain
I feel happy
I touch many touches and many pebbles
I worry I dirtier and dirtier
I cry "I will be a large sea"

I am sea
I understand many peoples
I say I am happy
I dream trade above world
I try useful resource for people
I hope clean and beautiful see

I am water

Nature Poetry 5 (2013)

I am fish
I wonder what out of water world like is
I hear sound of out of water world
I see my face
I want to go to out of water world

I am bird
I pretend I have four legs
I feel I have four legs
I touch my baby
I worry die my baby
I cry when I born

I am pig
I understand why people eat me
I say oink oink oink
I dream that I see the sky
I try to escape my fence
I hope people eat me

I am animal

Romantic Poetry 5 (2013)

I am fool who thinks her only
I wonder whether she likes me
I hear her laughter
I see her smile face
I want her happiness.

I am fool who sees her only
I pretend not to like her
I feel my heart flutter
I touch my heart
I worry she don't like me
I cry alone.

I am fool who love her only
I understand why she pretend not to like me. So,
I say "will you date me"?
I dream I do date with her
I try to get her mind
I hope I date with her.

I am fool who her's love

Creative Poetry 6 (2013)

I am magicion
I wonder powerful magic
I hear "Abracadabra"
I see red lights
I want to learn it

I am monkey
I pretend human
I touch my skin
I worry about my furry body
I cry that I'm not human

I am trash
I understand why people make me
I ay "don't throw me on the road!"
I dream I'll be recycled
I try to go in the garbage can
I hope someone needs me

I am M M T

Creative Poetry 5 (2013)

I am "Jax", I have three fingers
I wonder why I have three fingers
I hear, "why do you have three fingers."
I see other's finger.
I want to have five fingers.

I am "Jax."
I pretend I have five fingers.
I feel so good.
I touch my fake fingers.
I worry about someone's discovery of the secret.
I cry why I have three fingers.

I am "Jax"
I understand why I have three fingers.
I say, "I have three fingers!!!"
I dream someone acknowledge my fingers.
I try to use my fingers well
I hope my fingers do everything

I am "Jax", I have three fingers.

"Jax" is champion of League of Legend
He have three fingers.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

EPIK 365 Day 85: Buddhas

Just some Buddhas that I have come across at temples here…I really like temples...

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

EPIK 365 Day 84: Snowball's Chance in Korea

Much better odds than in hell.  So, I noticed this today…my students brought the snowball they are collecting for a snowman inside.  That is how cold it is in the hallways…the snowball doesn't melt.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Romantic Poetry 4 (2013)

Title: Solitude

I am your man.
I wonder your phone number.
I hear your beautiful voice.
I see your smile.
I want your house address.

I am ashamed beat.
I pretend best human.
I feel her smell.
I touch her soft skin.
I worry you now.
I cry but happiness will come to me.

I am your man.
I understand you now.
I say "Sorry" but I love you.  It's lie.
I dream my peace.
I try to make our farewell.
I hope everybody can have happiness.

I am so happy

Romantic Poetry 3 (2013)

I am your half
I wonder your face
I hear your voice
I see you
I want your mind

I am your half
I pretend my mind
I feel sorrow
I touch your hair
I worry you
I cry your sorrow

I am your half
I understand your choice
I say wait you
I dream marry you
I try more than boy
I hope again see you

I am … I love you

Creative Poetry 4 (2013)

I am chicken
I wonder that when I died
I hear my friend's cry at this morning
I see process that my friend were cooked
I want to leave here still alive

I am chicken
I pretend sick
I feel that death approach to me
I touch my body to check whether I live or not
I worry about be eaten by people
I cry as thinking about my friends already eaten

I am chicken
I understand people eat chicken because I am delicious
I say my testament to my son
I dream my next life

Nature (?) Romantic (?) Poetry 5 (2013)

I am sun
I wonder how I can bling
I hear my voice by which I feel alive
I see all the thing, which only look at me.
I want to become a rising sun for you

I am water
I pretend ice cube
I feel my temperature is very cold, but really hot.
I touch all the thing, which only needs me,
I worry about your sadness
I cry when you look blue.

I am air
I understand how you feel.
I say you become a good man.
I dream the world filled a smile
I try to make you happy
I hope your smile

I am yours

Nature Poetry 4 (2013)

I am spring
I wonder organism's movement
I hear the sound that bloom flower
I see the light that briten all the world
I want to stop to spring rain

I am fall
I pretend winter
I feel desire of eating
I touch a book
I worry coming the winter
I cry blow wind

I am winter
I understand snow on ground
I say winter is very cold
I dream the world was covered with snow
I try to make white
I hope coming the spring

I an season

EPIK 365 Day 83: A Present for Me!

One of my wonderful…sweet…kind…thoughtful students made this for me!  I was so proud I put it up in my classroom.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Creative Poetry 3 (2013)

I am poet
I wonder what I wrote
I hear teacher's explain
I see this paper
I want to write this poem

I am poet
I pretend to write poems
I feel beauty of nature
I touch a pen to hold on
I worry about alphabet which I wrote, spelling was wrong
I cry sadly because I was moved by my poem

I am poet
I understand what I wonder to wrote
I say "Po", you say "-em".  "Po" "-em" "Po" "-em"
I dream I write lots more poems
I try until the day my poem is best
I hope to my poem become best-seller

I am poet

Unromantic Poetry (2013)

I am solo and solo
I hear that couple say "I love you"
I see many couple
I want to break couple

I am solo
I pretend couple
I feel happy that couple break here
I touch that couple break themselves
I worry that couple make more than more

I am solo
I understand to make girlfriend and boyfriend
I say "If couple break, make two solo"
I dream that all of the world peoples are solo
I try that I make the cafe for solo
I hope that couple break

I am solo "" (crying)

Nature Poetry 3 (2013)

I am flower
I wonder my appearance
I hear wind sound
I see very hot sun
I want bee and butterfly's love.

I am butterfly
I pretend flower
I feel flower powder
I touch blossom
I worry honey
I cry because there is no honey

I am bee
I understand my family
I say "I can bring honey"
I try collecting honey
I hope that my family are filled with honey

I am spring

Nature Poetry 2 (2013)

I am a tree in longly wild
I wonder how people live in the world.
I hear people's life
I see people's life
I want be a person

I am a tree in sad wild
I pretend not sad, but
I feel sad.
I touch people's help but
I worry people's disaster
I cry people's disaster

I am a tree in hope wild
I understand people's happy mind
I say my dream
I dream to be a person
I try to be a person
I hope to be a person

I am a tree in realize wild.

Nature Poetry 1 (2013)

I am human.
I wonder fly.
I hear natural sound.
I see sky.
I want bird.

I am bird.
I pretend fly.
I feel wind.
I touch air.
I worry environment pollution.
I cry bad air.

I am wind
I understand why they so sad.
I say "Don't worry, Be happy" woo~ woo~
I dream clean environment.
I try to clean my place.
I hope everybody clean.

I am so happy.  When you try to clean.

EPIK 365 Day 82: Things That Warm My Heart

Grading papers this afternoon…a student left me this note in the margins of the worksheet!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

EPIK 365 Day 81: Something New for Me...

So, this is new for me…a Christmas tree with real snow on it!  Saw it this morning!

Romantic (?) Creative (?) Poetry (2013)

I am stranger
I wonder where to go
I hear alot of advice
I see many way to success
I want find the way to success

I am a pet
I pretend to friend for my owner, but
I feel lonely.  Cuz I know that my owner felt solitude.
I touch my owner’s hand and share our emotion
I worry his uncertain future
I cry for he

I am a lover
I understand how he felt solitude
I say him to way to go
I dream to he recover his energy
I try to give my heart to him
I hope to he recognize our concern

I am a happy man who has true friends

Inspirational Poetry 2 (2013)

I am student and small people
I wonder world problem
I hear many people die
I see news that children no food
I want to change world

I am world changer
I pretend my mind
I feel their mind
I touch they mom’s mind
I worry new that they die
I cry they problem

I am small student
I understand world problem
I saw we are change world
I dream solved world problem
I try help ill children
I hope change Korea and world

I am small seed

Romantic Poetry 2 (2013)

I am a boy
I wonder her mind
I hear her voice
I see her feature
I want her love

I am man
I pretend always feel good
I feel so bad
I touch my sell-phone and find her photo
I worry about my mind
I cry because of her

I am (student's name…omitted for privacy)
I understand her mind
I say sorry
I dreaming of her
I try hold she's mind
I hope holding she's mind

I am sad man

Friday, December 13, 2013

Romantic Poetry 1 (2013)

I am sad
I wonder the reason why you leaved me
I hear your voice in my dream
I see you in my dream
I want to meet you

I am not happy because you leaved me
I pretend you alive
I feel your temperature but you don't exist
I touch your hands but you don't exist
I worry but someday you are my front or next to me
I cry because of you

I am happy because someday I will be able to see you
I understand you leaved me
I say to you "I love you"
I dream you are my front.

Inspirational Poetry 1 (2013)

I am a ghost!
I wonder person who are wonder a ghost
I hear that earth person are scary ghost
I see someone who steal things
I want that earth be happy and peaceful

I am a perfect person
I pretend everybody loves me and sometimes jealous me
I feel happy and sad
I touch a lot of money and golds
I worry when my happiness disappear…
I cry because sometimes I feel lonely.

I am a world leader!
I understand that world economy problem is so serious and helpful
I say “I can help world economy with hands, that is you!”
I try to save money with everybody for our fine (rich) economy
I hope to disappear poor person and homeless

I am a Korean’s daughter!

EPIK 365 Day 80: Christmas Elves?

Because I, like Al Gore before me, have at least won the popular vote!

I needed help getting my Christmas decorations up in the classroom…I am too short to hang things from the ceiling…so I asked and some students actually showed up during their precious free-time to help me!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Creative Poetry 2 (2013)

I am generous tree
I wonder how tall tree is
I hear birds singing
I see birds loving each other
I want to give birds new house

I am cherry blossom
I pretend beautiful snow
I feel so beautiful
I touch your head
I worry when my cherry blossom is die
I cry my cherry blossom is die

I am parao
I understand my citizen
I say my citizen
I dream make a pyramid
I try to making a sphinx
I hope prosperity of my country

I am batman
I understand my godam city
I say I protect my godam city
I dream peace my godam city
I try to I kill Joker

I hope prosperity of my godam city

Creative Poetry 1 (2013)

I gave my students "prompts" to finish a handful of sentences…here are just a few of the results.  I will try to publish my favorites over the next few days.  I will only type out the poems…all words, spelling, ideas, etc belong to my wonderful students.  Have I said that I have the best student lately?  Well, I do!

I am free and colorful butterfly
I wonder delicious flowers
I hear flower laughing
I see beautiful flower
I want to have delicious and beautiful flowers

I am your man
I pretend your friend
I feel so sad
I touch your hand
I worry when you return home late
I cry when you cry

I am Napoleon
I understand myself that is short
I say that I conquor Russia
I dream growing up
I try to drinking milk
I hope prosperity of my county
I am brave and short Napoleon

I am Tom cruise
I understand impossible missions
I say that I perform missions
I dream that I will become best agent
I try to crawling the building

I hope that I return home safely

EPIK 365 Day 79: Temple in the Snow

More elegant than a gingerbread house!  Just beautiful!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

EPIK 365 Day 78: Snowy Day

It snowed again today!  :)  So, this is yours truly shlepping home in the snow!

EPIK 365 Day 77: What Was in the Box...

It's deok…ok, so I don't really know what that is, but that is what I was told it was.  It is spongey and smells kinda fermented, or is that because I didn't eat mine right away?

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Sunday, December 8, 2013

EPIK 365 Day 75: The Kimbap Lady

This is the lady that rolls the kimbap at my favorite shop…she is great!

EPIK 365 Day 74: Recycling

So, I think this is pretty neat.  Department stores here aren't like department stores back home.  Here they are more like several individual shops that share space, but don't try to take clothes from one area to the next without paying…that is not cool.  But I like that outside the stores they encourage recycling by providing boxes and tape for you to pack up your purchases instead of caring a few dozen plastic bags.  Pretty nifty!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

EPIK 365 Day 73: What's in the Box?

One of my co-teachers got married last weekend.  I didn't go to the wedding (I wasn't invited), but she brought all the teachers wedding favors.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

EPIK 365 Day 72: What's Wrong With This Picture?

So, I took this picture today on my way to the coffee shop.  Notice anything?  Like the plastic greenery in the planter to make it look like something was growing.  And it's not a prank…all the planters in town (that I saw, I mean, I didn't walk around town looking at literally all of them) have it.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

EPIK 365 Day 71: Family Dinner

My main co-teacher took me shopping for winter things and then home for dinner with her family.  We had bulgogi…very delicious…and quite possibly my favorite thing I have eaten since I have been here.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

EPIK 365 Day 70: "It's Coming on Christmas…"

"They're putting up fake trees…"  Anyway, my kids are in finals this week so I got to leave at half a day rather than hang out at school all day. It was really nice to run errands while the sun was still out. :) I also got to see the city putting out their Christmas decorations.

EPIK 365 Day 69: The Bank

So, I have only actually gone inside once…to open my account…almost literally everything else can be done from the ATM, including bill paying.  But my favorite part is when you put your bank book in the machine and it automatically updates the entries and balance your checkbook!

Monday, December 2, 2013

EPIK 365 Day 68: Chilly Bath Time

 I was in Seoul and noticed these cute little guys taking their bath in some melted ice.

EPIK 365 Day 67: SOS Information

I noticed this while waiting on the subway.  I like that it is called "SOS Information" with an emergency line and fire extinguisher.  There is also a cabinet full of gas masks that I did not get a picture of.  Koreans are prepared!

EPIK 365 Day 66: Post Office

Interesting that Korean Postal Service's color is red…right down to the mailboxes…because back home it is blue.

The "Bling" Blog

A few weeks ago was my alma mater's homecoming.  Since there was no way I could go to the game, I decided to rock Tiger Pride by painting my fingernails "tiger blue."  So, my nails were blue most of the week.  The girls, in particular, liked this and would touch my fingernails saying "oh, Teacher, bling bling."

First of all, I hate that expression.

Second, I hate that it denotes that something only has value if it is shiny and pretty.


In context, it makes since…my nails were shiny and pretty.  And it got some students talking to me, at least for a moment, so I chose not to fight that fight.  Besides, it is good for them to know a little slang.

So, today, I was getting ready for my Third Period class…it's is Grade 2 kids, a really smart and well-behaved group.  (And they didn't hurt my feelings by asking if they could skip my class for independent study like my last 4 Grade 2 classes have.)  A couple of students even came early to class, which never fails to make me practically giddy in my happiness (punctuality is a problem in most of my classes).  The conversation went something like this:

Student A: Oh, Teacher, your hair bling bling.
Student B: Your face, too.

Never mind that I am fighting down laughter from all the "your face" jokes that popped into my head.  But now what does that phrase mean?  It is definitely a compliment…I'm just not sure how.  Pretty, maybe?  My nails, hair, and face could all be pretty.  Hopefully, not shiny…shiny face is not exactly a compliment.

Anyway, I said thank you.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Thankful…Full-Length Blog

Last week, I talked a little about Thanksgiving with my students.  I also talked a lot about being thankful being the root of the holiday (not just food and football).  I asked my students to write about things they are thankful for and why.  Here is a samplingdirect quotes, including punctuation, spelling, etc.  My students are wonderful!

I am thankful for my family because they always believe me and love me.  I am thank for my friends because they always listen my worries and hopes.  I am thank for delicious foods because it always makes me happy and smile.  I am thank for my country because Korea was developed fast.  So we are not poor now!  Thank you.

I like snow because it is very romantic but lonely.  I like family because we are family.  I like friends because we are the one.  I like money because I want to buy anything so I used money.

I am thankful for my family because they always give me their love and support.  I am thankful my friends because they act as extra family for me.  I am thankful my dream because it give me a goal so it is valuable to me.  I thankful Korea because I born to Korea.  If the Korea no exist I not exist too.

I am thankful for my family because they always stay with me in our home.  I am thankful for my friends because they are receive all my thing and can communication well.  I am thankful for my foods because they can make good feeling.  I am thankful for my block b because my vitamin is Block B!  They make me happy, exciting, thankful my life and they are critical for me.

I thank for parent because they beared me.  I thank for books because those make me think.  I like thinking.  I thank for my friend because they make me smile.  I thank for my brother.  He often makes me annoy, but because he exists I’m not alone.  I thank for my country, Korea, because, there is my parents, my brother, my homeroom teacher, my friend and Bethy teacher.  Thank you Bethy teacher!

I am thankful for my family because they always give me their love and support and when I am in danger my family always encourage me.  I am thankful for my friends.  I think that friend the most important thing in the world, sometimes, friends are important than anything else.  I am thankful for school.  If you don’t go to school at morning, you maybe become lazy man/woman.  Also we can gain many information that necessary to live in.  At the end I am thankful for mobile games because games only fun, and it can never solitude.

I am thankful for my family because my family give me shelter and love.  I am thankful for my friends because my friends make me funny and happy.  So I am not lonely.  I am thankful for sports because sports let me healthier than not and raise co-operations.  Last but not least I am thankful for Liot firm because Liot firm developed LOL.  So, LOL gives me fun and is escaping boring.

I am thankful for me because I love me.  I am thankful for you because I love you.  I am thankful for family because I love them.  I am thankful for everybody because I love world.  LOVE IS MY LIFE!

I am thankful for my family because they are cheering me and always love me.  I am thankful for my friends they are help when I was tired and always believe me.  I am thankful for Coke because Coke are always release my thirsty and Coke blend with chicken!! I love Coke!!!  I am thankful chicken because chicken make me happy and pleasure and very delicious.  I love chicken!!!

I am thankful for my family because they are always love me and believe me.  I am thankful for my family because they are always help and trust me.  I am thankful for young because adolescence is the most happiest period in my life.   I am thankful for normal because if I have any obstacle and if I were disabled person, I feel so frustrated.  So, I’m thankful for these four things!!

I am thankful lol because it is healing me.  I am thankful chicken because the chicken is food revolution.  The basic rule is one person one chicken.

I thank friends because they always together with me.  I thank family because take care of me.  I thank Korea because I am Korean.  I thank teacher because teach me.

I thank my mother because she gave me a birth.  I thank my father because me make me with my mom.  I thank older sister because she give me money.  I thank my friends because they always together with me.  I thank our teacher because teachers make me kind and nice man.

I’m thankful for sleep because sleep give me power up.  I’m thankful for english because english is my favorite subject.  I’m thankful for my clothes because clothes protect my body and consummate me fashion.  I’m thankful for baseball because baseball give health body to me.

I am thankful for parents because whatever they love me.  I am thankful for my younger sister because she has deep mind.  I am thankful for native speaker betsy and 크ㅗㄴ teacher because they teach us fantastic.  I am thankful for classmates they always smile so I feel happy.

I am thankful for my friend because they always love me.  I am thankful for friends because I meet good friends.  I am thankful for born in Korea because I was not born in North Korea.  I am thankful for Health.

In my life I am thankful for my father.  He is very kind.  Second, I am thankful for my English teacher.  She is very kind and teachings well good.  Third, I am thankful for lots of food so I live.  Next, I am thankful for my life.

First, I am thankful for Air because air is very important in my life and if it were not for air, we can’t live in the earth.  Second, I am thankful for soccer because soccer gave me many things in my life.  For example friendship, achievement, etc…  Third, I am thankful for my friend because without friends, I can’t anything.  Finally, I am thankful for my family because my family in invaluable in my life and I love my family very much.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Cab Rides and Konglish

Sometimes I wish I were more culturally Korean.  Not just because I live here, but because I think Konglish (Korean-English) is so endearing.

Anyway, on to the story.

I have parcel forwarding back in the States so I can still order things from Amazon (my weakness).  I don’t get much because shipping is ridiculous and I can usually find what I want or something similar here.  Not this time.  I brought this special water bottle with me that filters the water as it goes from the bottle to your mouth.  I really like it...it keeps me drinking fresh, good-tasting water without creating a lot of trash/stuff for recycling.  So, I was on the subway and an old lady knocked it out of my backpack and even though the bottle was fine, the mouthpiece rolled all over the subway floor.  I thought “damn, now that can never go back in my mouth.”

Because, really, that is just gross.

After hunting high and low for a replacement, I bowed to the inevitable and decided to buy a whole new bottle.  So, I made an Amazon order.

The Amazon order went perfectly.  The parcel forwarding was textbook.  However, apparently, Fed Ex does not deliver this far into Korea and my package was turned over to a contract company.  The contract company does not leave packages unattended (not that I am complaining there) but also does not leave a “missed you” card either.  Therein lies the problem.

So, I check with Fed Ex and get the whole they don’t deliver here thing.  They give the the name of the company and the address where I can go pick it up.  Uh, none of the other “foreigners” here know where it is...they just have packages sent to their schools, which is brilliant and I am going to remember this for next time...and the best I could get otherwise is it is near the boys’ middle school.  Ok.  The boys’ middle school is a 20-ish minute walk from my school, so I think I will just walk that way after school and get my stuff.


It gets dark so early here in the winter and cold.  Any, I walk the area around the boys’ middle school for 2 and a half hours in the dark and cold trying to decipher Hangul into the name of the company.  I eventually gave up...I was cold, tired and had been hauling around 250 essays I needed to grade.  I went home and made a new plan.  I would write out the address in Hangul and take a cab.


So, the address that Fed Ex gave me was wrong.

However, the nicest older Korean man just happened to be my cabbie.  He had very limited English and I have very limited Korean.  With a little help from GPS and 114 (that is the Korean version of 411) we managed to get to a place that looked like it handles freight.  So, I start to get out of the taxi and he asks if I will need to go back to Jincheon, or rather “you return Jincheon?”  I say yes...well, I say “de” which is Korean for yes...and he says “I stay here then.”  He was going to wait on me so I could get back!  How unbelievably kind!

I started for the door that we parked in front of and the next thing I know he has hopped out of the cab and is motioning for me to follow him to another door.  I am so glad he did!  The people inside had no clue what we were trying to do even with him telling them in Korean we were picking up a package.  We finally figure out we are still at the wrong place and the place I need to go to is in the next building.


With no further drama I finally get my package!  And I am back in the taxi headed for home...or the supermarket near my apartment, since it is the most recognizable landmark near there.

I had a lovely conversation with the cabbie on the ride back.  He asked my name and how old I was.  Told me his wife is Vietnamese.  Asked where I am from...told him mi-guk (American) and he asked “Ca-na-da?” and I said “no, USA.”  The he asked why I was in Jincheon...was I English seong-sam-nim (teacher).  “De, Jincheon go deung hakyo (Jincheon High School).  We laughed a little because my “Hangul mal”...or my Korean is bad.  When he dropped me off he gave me his business card and told me I could call him directly the next time I needed a taxi.

EPIK 365 Day 65: Thankful

Happy Thanksgiving!  So, we've been doing lessons on Thanksgiving, but mostly on what we are thankful for in our lives.  My students made "hand turkeys" and wrote a short paragraph on why they are thankful for these things.  I will try to write a full-length blog about it over the weekend.  Anyway, I decided to post all the turkeys in my classroom…the students love it!  They love to come in a look for theirs on the wall and read what other students have written…plus it makes my room nice and colorful!

EPIK 365 Day 64: Magpie in the Sky...

Another magpie…really, I am developing a strong liking for these birds.  This one didn't speak to me, but I did manage to snap a quick picture as he flew away.