Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday Fives: My Top 5 Favorite Konglish Pronunciations (So Far)

Again, listed in countdown order.  I will try to write these out phonetically, as my students said them.  The actual Engish word(s) they meant is after the jump.  If you read (and understood Wednesday's Word Wednesday post, you may be able to guess ahead of the jump.  Because (generally) my students broke up the words into syllables (and pronunciation) as they would understand them in Hangul.

5. Tey-me

4. Pee-rhat

3. Rah-dee-oh

2. Soo-vi-vi-or/Sir-viv-al

1. Neh-to-land

5. Theme
4. Pirate
3. Radio
2. Survivor/Survival
1. Netherlands

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