Tuesday, November 4, 2014


To my most consistent readers,

I apologize for my lack of blogging lately.  In true Korean-style, I have been insanely busy these past couple of weeks.  Also, in true Korean-style, I did not know about many of these things until almost the last minute.

Last week was the school's annual English Speech Contest...which I not only judged, but also edited speeches and served as the test audience and Henry Higgins of it for many students.  That is...I listened and corrected pronunciation for them.  It's easy enough for 3-4 students, but I had, maybe 6-7 students come regularly and another 5 or so that only wanted help one or two times during their preparations.

Then this week I have had 4 classes added to my regular teaching schedule...and had a last minute scramble to prepare a lesson for them.

So, all of this on top of my normal teaching duties, my birthday happened...Happy Birthday to me!  Now, the annual school newspaper (in English) will be published soon and I will be busy editing articles.

But I promise...PROMISE...that I will do my best to get back on track with my blogging.  I know some of you are dying to know more Korean/Hangul. ;)

Until then, dear readers!

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