Sunday, June 10, 2018

Anthony Bourdain, RIP

Anthony Bourdain died yesterday.  I would have posted then, but I needed time to digest the news, so to speak.

Anthony Bourdain (1956-2018)

I don't want to use this post to talk about socio-political issues surrounding mental health or any of the "greater" issues...all that can wait for another post.  Instead, I want to reflect on what Bourdain's work has meant to me.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Sun Salutation Challenge

Woke up around 4:30 this morning to the sound of a mosquito buzzing around my head.  Actually, it startled me awake and I flailed around until it flew away...but at any rate I was now wide awake and going after that f-er with extreme prejudice.  It already bit me a day or two before...once on my forehead, once on my hand...and once on my f-ing face.  I don't mean to drop so many f-bombs, but I really hate mosquitoes...I've always welted up when bitten...and they LOVE my blood for some reason...but whatever species they have here cause swelling and fever in the bite and leave rashes that don't fade for weeks...and did I mention it bit me on the face?!?!?  I must not have had too big a feast off of my face because this one actually isn't swelling too badly.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Time Flies Like an Arrow

My, my, where does the time go?

I really didn't realize a month (well, a bit more) had passed since my last post.  I've been so busy and when I do have "free" time I just zone out.

Now it's nearly May and I am facing miserably at my New Year's Resolutions.  I don't really make resolutions with any conviction...I'm an adult, after all...and a realist...but make them as a nice gesture.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

No Rest for the Weary

Hi, ho, hi, ho.....

Whelp, its back to work for me.  Actually, I've been back at it for 2 weeks now...and it's been a rough start.

I have a whopping 24 classes this term...which I wouldn't complain about, BUT Korean co-workers only have about 18 class, including co-taught classes.  And since I do all the planning and prepping for the co-taught classes, it really weighs my schedule heavier than the other teachers...who for some reason think lessons and games fall out of the sky fully prepped.  And not to play the cancer card, but yeah, I had cancer last year and even though I'm doing great now, I still have occasional days where I struggle.  Such is life, I suppose.

It only 2 weeks in and its all I can do to get through classes...never mind I still need to review and edit the next week's lessons and some of the activities need a re-vamp.   I had to go in over the weekend for a couple of hours this week just to get it all done.  Not to mention at some point I will also have to research and prepare a camp for summer break.  Really, I'm exhausted just thinking about it.

This one is going to kept short and sweet...I have tons to do to this weekend that is not work-related, but not social either.  Mostly laundry and housekeeping...and I'm not going to lie, I'd like a little bit of a nap.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Still Healing...

It's been a few months.

I'm still recovering from cancer and surgery.  For the most past, I feel pretty good...way better than before, actually.  But sometimes I still get as tired and depressed as I did before and then in turn I get more frustrated because I feel like I should feel better.  It can be vicious.