Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Time Flies Like an Arrow

My, my, where does the time go?

I really didn't realize a month (well, a bit more) had passed since my last post.  I've been so busy and when I do have "free" time I just zone out.

Now it's nearly May and I am facing miserably at my New Year's Resolutions.  I don't really make resolutions with any conviction...I'm an adult, after all...and a realist...but make them as a nice gesture.

I made the generic "lose weight and exercise more" resolution.  That's not going great for me.  In my post-thyroidectomy life, I struggle just to not gain...I diet like crazy and exercise with the minuscule amount of energy I have left after work.  Actually, I go back to the specialist tomorrow for a check-up and will talk with him about tweaking my meds to get me a little more energy and boost my metabolism.

I was going to write more, but, well, you see how well that is going.

I was going to reconnect with some of my long-lost connections.  I keep the vaguest sense of the phrase...with some folks via Facebook...but I rarely have more than a few free minutes at a time during the day and that doesn't leave much time for comments and conversations.

Oh well...there's always next year.

I'd still like to write a little more here.  Maybe post lesson plans and the like...put a little of my hard won ESL experience to work....share a little expertise and whatnot.  But we'll see.

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