Monday, February 2, 2015

Media Monday: Korean English Program Follow-Up

So, I ran across this...and felt like this was a nice follow-up on some of the things that I've been talking about on the Korean (specifically) English Education.

To me, this article says Korean students (middle and high school level) feel like they do not get anything out of their public school English education.  They feel they don't learn much from their Korean English teachers....that they focus on receptive skills (reading and listening) and grammar and not productive skills (writing and speaking).

I absolutely agree.

So, this here's the thing.  Ok, 2's 2 things about this:

The English education system has to...HAS reevaluated and readjusted to more practical acquisition and evaluation of the student's English ability.  It's not what students want or need to feel comfortable with their use of English.  I help a lot of my students analyze their exam answers, and in honestly, I feel like some of the questions do not evaluate the student's English ability level at all.  A lot of questions are subjective (as opposed to objective) and really are more for linguistic measure than language competence.

If, according to this article, if Korean English teachers are not able to and/or are not comfortable with teaching the things students want (like writing and speaking) then it is illogical and not practical to be reducing the number of Foreign English teachers country-wide.  If the Foreign English Teachers are the ones that build actual competence in English (or at least in my class...we focus a lot on speaking and writing), then the number of Foreign English Teachers, if anything, needs to be increased.

Again, I think that the education system, at least for English and other foreign language learning, needs to be reevaluated and modified to system that strongly encourages communicative skills.

Here's the link to the article I am referring to:

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