Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Time Flies Like an Arrow

So, it just occurred to me that I am rapidly nearing the end of my first year in Korea.  Therefore, I am also rapidly approaching the end of my 365 photo journal.

I won't lie, it's been a struggle at some points, but I hope that you've glimpsed a little into Korean (and overseas English Teacher) life and culture.  I won't be continuing the 365...or starting a new one...wherever you stand on the semantics, but I will be continuing to blog.  Instead of proving you with a daily picture and "sound bite" I will focus more on writing full-length blogs.  My plan is to write with a "theme" for each day Monday through Friday...themes to be announced at a later date.

I also have student work that I plan to post...whenever I can find the time to get it all done.

Until then, please enjoy the remaining days of the 365 photo journal...and I hope you will stick with me for the next year (or so). :)

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