Friday, September 26, 2014

Coming Soon...

I said in an earlier post that I would change the formatting of my blog a little.  Instead of the 365 Photo journal, I will be (trying to) post each weekday and have weekly themes.  The themes are as follows:

Media Mondays
I will try to bring you Korean media (movies, music, commercials, whatever) or media articles regarding Korea, Korean culture, the Korean Peninsula, etc.

Tasty Tuesdays
Food, glorious food.  Either food found here in Korea (traditional, foreign, fusion, snack, meals...anything really), restaurant reviews, recipes made using only ingredients that can be easily found in Korea.

Word Wednesdays
Let's learn Korean together!  Starting with Hangul and working our way up to (as we say back home) "conversating" (not conversing, but con-ver-say-ting), let's work together.

Trivia Thursdays
"Trivia" is a bit of a's not really about trivia, but rather cultural bits, historical notes, noteworthy places and the like.

Friday Fives
I will do my best to round up the week for you in nice, neat little packs of five.  Or at least, give you a comfortable top 5 listing of something or another.

So, the new format will keep me quite busy...if I manage to do it properly.  But let's face facts, sometimes I fell behind in my 365s, so I am sure to fall behind writing full-length posts.  However, I am going to give it my best shot.  So, be sure to sign up for email updates...and a few comments to keep me motivated wouldn't hurt. :)

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Namsan Tower

First of all, it’s not really called Namsan Tower anymore…the official name is N Seoul Tower, but it still sits on top of Namsan Mountain, so the locals still call it Namsan Tower.  Confused yet?

Next, how to get there.  You can see the tower from most places in Seoul that are north of the Han River.  There are a couple of bus lines that drive up the mountain, but I took the cable car…well, because I like cable cars.  And really, the view of watching the bustling city melt away is with the cost of the ticket.  To take the cable car, take the subway Line 4 (the light blue line) to Myeongdong Station and take exit 3.  Turn and face Namsan Mountain.  If you are unsure (as if you can’t see the tower on top of the mountain) the main shopping street of Myeongdong will be to your back.  And if your back, knees, ankles…essentially, your lower body, are in bad shape, you might want to take a taxi from here…because even though I consider myself moderately fit (i.e., not skinny, but not fat) I was huffing and puffing by the time I got there.  Start walking up the hill.  The Pacific Hotel sits in the fork in the road.  Take the right fork (the hotel will be on the left) and keep walking.  (By the way, if you take the left fork there is a deceptive orange path painted on the are NOT going in the right direction!)  You will think you should be there long before you actually make it, but just keep on the road.  You will eventually see the building for the cable cars and will need to make your way up 2 kinda steep flights of stairs to the ticket booth.

Now, I will digress.  You feel a certain sense of walking back in time.  You leave behind the glitzy bustle of stylishly dressed Koreans shopping for the latest fashions in neat, clean department stores blasting Kpop music.  You begin to enter an older, slightly dingy and quietly serene neighborhood of guesthouses, traditional-style restaurants.  Eventually, you will arrive at the ancient (or at least very, very old) fortifications of the NamSeoul fortification.

EPIK 365 Day 365: The Last One!

Well, this is a little last 365.

Anyway, I am posting this one because I am amazed by how it happened.  I was in and out my classroom all day and then right before I went home I noticed someone had posted schedules (for something) on my door.  I never even heard them!  Never mind that I spent all day watch Last Week Tonight on youtube...but I never heard anyone in the hall or at my door!

EPIK 365 Day 364: Korean-Style Coffee

I would say I am a coffee-snob, but that's a lie.  I love the good stuff, but I will settle for instant just for the caffeine.  I like this one pretty comes with cream (powdered) and sugar already measured out.

EPIK 365 Day 363: Dragonfly

I love dragonflies!  They are my favorite insect.  Korean dragonflies are a little more plain than the ones back home...more brown and less iridescent.  Still, I love them...and I have discovered I have quite a talent for catching them and having them perch on me.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

EPIK 365 Day 362: Subway Stations

I know it's a little odd, but I am fascinated by the subway stations in Seoul.  They're so clean and go beyond "functional".  Unlike subways stations in the US (ok, that's a broad statement, I have not been that many places in the US with a subway, but my experience with the few I have been to have a tendency to be more "functional" and less their own thing).  And depending on where they are, they are decorated/outfitted to match the world above.

The first one is Gangnam Station, and it's shiny and pretty and like a little underground shopping mall.   In fact, if you were so inclined, you probably would not need to go above ground if you didn't want to.

The next one in Gyeongbokgung Station...near Insadong and the palace.  It has regally themed decorations and the closer you get to the palace, there are a set of stairs that mimics the stairs in the palace.  (Plus there is a museum INSIDE the station if you take exit 5, the same one going to the palace).

EPIK 365 Day 361: Where the Sidewalk Ends

As my sleepily little town prepares to become a sleepy little city, I imagine that this will be a busy year for Jincheon.  New buildings keep going up, old buildings get remodeled, and the whole town is getting a general "sprucing up."  This week they ripped up the old inlaid brick sidewalks, paved them smooth and painted bricks on them.  They look nice.

EPIK 365 Day 360: Almost Ready!

As we are rapidly coming to the end of my 365, I noticed that the rice is starting to turn.  It was harvest time when I arrived a year ago and has most come full circle.  Rice turns yellow when it is ready to harvest and, as you can see, the colors are starting to turn.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

EPIK 365 Day 359: Korean Sprite

Or, "suh-puh-ra-ee-tuh" as the label says.  I didn't get it to try it...I don't like Sprite unless I am nauseated.  It's interesting that "western" groceries pop up at complete random.

EPIK 365 Day 358: Garden Spider

I pass quite a few gardens on the walk to school.  And sometimes I like to stop and gently shake the spider webs I see there.  The spiders get upset and shake their web back and forth...I guess to scare me off.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

LASEK: What it is and What it isn't

So, a little over a month ago, I had LASEK (pronounced in Korea as “la-shik”) surgery.  If you read my 365s from the time, you know I went to Dream Eye Center in Gangnam, Seoul.  It’s a fantastic clinic.  I felt very comfortable there and very much at ease with the thought of the doctor firing a laser into my eyes.  I didn’t shop around…it was the only clinic I visited….and probably paid a little more than if I had been a more “savvy” shopper.

In the few days leading up to my actual surgery date, I read quite a few blogs from other foreigners who had done eye surgery here.  And proceeded to have a mini-panic-attack.  What if something went wrong and I was rendered blind?  I latched on to the thought of how comfortable I felt before and took the bus to Seoul.

Overall, the procedure was quick and painless.  They mapped my eyes using some high-tech machines, gave me a basic vision test and prepped me for surgery.  Basically, I emptied my pockets, put my hair up into a surgical cap and they smeared gooey, cold disinfectant on my face.  Then they led me into the operating room with three techs (one to program the laser, one to hand the doctor things, and one to hold my hand….yes, one was there just to hold my hand) and the doctor.  Less than 15 minutes per eye and then I was in the recovery room and already seeing without glasses or contacts.

Based on the blogs, opinions, misconceptions, and medical information provided, I have complied a top 5 list of what LASEK surgery really is and what it isn’t based on my personal experience.

1) The Laser Will Look Like it Does in Movies
It will not…NOT…look like it does in the movies.  Where the laser centers over your eyes and you can see the red beam drill into your eyeball.  That’s terrifying…it’s nothing like that.  You are lying on the table staring up at a green light (that occasionally turns red) and that’s really it.  You can’t see the beam.

2) The “Cornea-Scraping” Will Be Gross and Painful
They really numb your eyes.  You can’t feel it…and, if you are as near-sighted as I was, you can’t really see what is going on.  You can see the scraping procedure, but it doesn’t look like they are scraping away the surface of your eye.  It looks like you are in a car wash and someone squeegees the windshield.

3) You Can Smell Your Eye Burning
This was huge in the blogs.  Several people described smelling something burning during the procedure.  That’s crap.  Those people have obviously never smelled something that is actually burning.  There is a slight smell of something being hot (think when you first turn on the heat in the winter) that lasts about 2 seconds.  It is more the smell of the laser heating up…not your eyes being burned away.

4) You Will Be Able to See Instantly
Ok, so that may or may not be true.  I was ridiculously near-sighted, so my “instant vision” was still quite blurry.  They tell you at the clinic that you gain about 60% of your vision instantly and I think that’s a fair estimate.  So maybe if you are less near-sighted then an instant 60% recovered vision may be pretty clear.  I was still very blurry, but I spent the entire bus ride home looking out the window because, well, I could.

5) You Will Be in PAIN for Day After

Well, again, this could vary from person to person.  For one, I have a pretty high tolerance for pain so I didn’t feel a huge amount of pain.  None the first day just a little discomfort the next, which was more the sensation of constantly having something in your eyes.  The third day was the worst for pain, but it was more light-sensitivity than actual “oh, my God, what have I done” pain.  After a couple weeks the feeling that there was something in my eyes passed and now, a month out, there is no pain and only the mildest discomfort of dry eyes, usually only first thing in the morning.

Monday, September 15, 2014

EPIK 365 Day 357: Getting Ready for Harvest

Walking home I passed a truck full of tools for the harvest, which, ironically, is taking place after Chuseok.

EPIK 365 Day 356: Korean Nutella

Strolling the supermarket I spotted this...Korean Nutella.  I didn't get it...I'm not much of a Nutella fan.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

EPIK 365 Day 355: Sejong the Great

King Sejong the Great...quite the renaissance man.  Musician, humanitarian (for the time), inventor of hangul...Gyeongbukgung is his place....well, the royal palace, but he hangs out in the roundabout in front so most people associate the place with him.

EPIK 365 Day 354: Changing of the Guards

If you (unlike me) time your visit properly, you can watch the changing of the guards ceremony at Gyeongbukgung Palace.  I did not do so well with the I actually spent most of the day at the palace.  The first time, I was still inside the palace and only caught the very end so I had to wait for the next performance.  However, it is well worth the effort.

EPIK 365 Day 353: Corn Ice Cream

So, Korea has this...

Corn ice cream.  And it looks like this...

And it is weird.

The outside is like the stalest, chewiest, cheapest ice cream cone you have ever eaten and has a slight "corny" taste.  The inside is vanilla ice cream with corn kernels and coated in chocolate.  It's just odd.

EPIK 365 Day 352: Pumpkins

The squash (pumpkin) blossoms are turning into pumpkins!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

EPIK 365 Day 351: Streets of Insa-dong

I love to wander through Insa-dong...I love the randomness of traditional and modern architecture there.  Its a fabulous place!  Managed a proper selfie this time, too!

EPIK 365 Day 350: Busking

Wandering the streets of Hongdae and came across this performing in the square.  Talented guitarist (he managed an acoustic version of "Gangnam Style") and the cutest personality!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

EPIK 365 Day 349: View from the Top

Tried to selfie-this one...I went to Namsan Tower today...fabulous view!  This one merits a full-length post too, so hang with me a bit, ok?

EPIK 365 Day 348: Represent!

It was super-indulgent.  Memphis-style BBQ right in the heart of Seoul!  I was shocked by how authentic tasting it was...I can wait to go back!  For now, all you guys are getting is a teaser...I will post a full-length blog on this one...soon!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

EPIK 365 Day 347: Scrabble Battle

My kids play scrabble.  They are naturally competitive so they take the game very seriously...especially since the winning team gets a "passport" stamp.  In order to try to keep things fair I make the teams take turns until we run out of tiles to draw.   Then it becomes a free-for-all to get as many last minute pouts as they can.  It's chaotic, but fun...and the students make sure I know which words they put on the board.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

EPIK 365 Day 346: Cheer Up!

One of my best and sweetest girls just happens to be in my worst behaved class.  She's always super helpful and tries very hard in my class, despite her classmates being disruptive.  Last week I was so mad I threw the whole class out.  Today she came to class early and said it was her class time, but I should cheer up (I wasn't upset, but apparently they think I stay mad once I get mad...not too bad a belief for them to hold...) and gave me a little chocolate for luck.  Really, I have the best kids!  Errr, with notable exceptions...

EPIK 365 Day 345: Ginseng Tea for Strength

I really like the red ginseng tea here.   Koreans like ginseng for their health and believe it makes them strong.  It can't hurt.  I like this one even though it is granules (not a tea bag) has just a little sweetness to it so its easy to drink.

EPIK 365 Day 344: Always Nice to Have a Fan

One of my best boys left a message on my board.  Such a sweetheart!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

EPIK 365 Day 343: Chestnuts

Prior to my arriving in Korea, my chestnut exposure was pretty limited.  Chestnuts aren't a "Southern thing."  It's close to around the time arrive, which is also apparently chestnut season.  One of my co-teachers gave me a bag of raw chestnuts this morning (which, no lie, must weigh 3 pounds) and told me how to boil them Korean style.  We'll see how it goes.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Time Flies Like an Arrow

So, it just occurred to me that I am rapidly nearing the end of my first year in Korea.  Therefore, I am also rapidly approaching the end of my 365 photo journal.

I won't lie, it's been a struggle at some points, but I hope that you've glimpsed a little into Korean (and overseas English Teacher) life and culture.  I won't be continuing the 365...or starting a new one...wherever you stand on the semantics, but I will be continuing to blog.  Instead of proving you with a daily picture and "sound bite" I will focus more on writing full-length blogs.  My plan is to write with a "theme" for each day Monday through Friday...themes to be announced at a later date.

I also have student work that I plan to post...whenever I can find the time to get it all done.

Until then, please enjoy the remaining days of the 365 photo journal...and I hope you will stick with me for the next year (or so). :)

EPIK 365 Day 342: Literature

I had pretty much resigned to the fact that even if students bothered to read the literature I provide for them they would not understand it.  The thought was more than a little depressing, but I decided to keep up the practice for no other reason than my co-teachers seem to read it.  However, yesterday, one student came in for "free-speaking" (I have unofficial office hours during lunch so students can come in for help or to practice speaking) and told me that he enjoys the stories...particularly "The Most Dangerous Game."  I felt so validated!

EPIK 365 Day 341: 30 Day Update

The eye clinic sent me a 30-days since surgery email telling me I can resume my normal life, but remember to be aware that my eyes are still healing.  So nice!

EPIK 365 Day 340: Unsolicited

So, this morning there were two men standing at the bottom of the hill at school.  They were in their black and whites and wearing a, well, for lack of a better word, sash, and waiting.  I thought they were political solicitors...since that is how they dress...but instead they gave everyone that passed by a facial mask.  I have no idea why.