Friday, September 13, 2013

So, Korea, huh?

People have said that to me a lot lately...

I am headed (technically, back) to Korea to teach English as a Second Language through EPIK (English Program in Korea).  I'm not planning on writing a blog entry about the application process or any of the million things you need to do to get ready for a year in Korea, there are tons out there for your edification.  However, if you have a question or concern, leave it in a comment and I will be more than happy to answer it.

I've been placed in Chungcheongbuk (or Chungbuk) Province...right in the dead center of South Korea.

I am a September intake, which is a little more rare.  Most intakes are done in August and February, and a few more are taken in September, October, March, and April of each year.  I won't have the benefit of an orientation immediately upon arrival, but on the other hand, I won't have to haul a year's worth of luggage around an extra week.  So it's right into the deep end for me.  :)

Anyway, even though I am most recently from Memphis (TN), I'll be leaving out of Birmingham (AL) on the 23rd and will end up in Seoul (well, technically Incheon) via Houston and San Francisco.

Have I mentioned how much I love traveling over the International Dateline?  It may be the only way I get to time-travel.  This year I won't bypass an entire day, but I will skip a good portion of the 24-25th.  But by virtue of cultural differences, I will gain two years to my age.  In Korea, people are born 1 year old (the time spent in the womb is considered the first year of life) and then EVERYONE gains a year on the lunar new year.  I was born in October, so that means I was already a year old when I was born and then "turned" 2 in January/February (whenever the new year was that year).  This type of time-travel is not quite as much fun for me.  Anyway....

That's all I have for you in this blog.  See you soon!

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