Tuesday, September 10, 2013


I suppose now is as good a time as any to start this thing.

I am roughly 2 weeks out from a triumphant return to the "Motherland"...that is, I am leaving my home here and heading to South Korea to teach English for a year.  Oh, that "Motherland" bit?  I'm ethnically Korean, like, born there Korean.  Never mind that I haven't been back since shortly after being born....needless to say, I am feeling quite a bit of pressure to go and "be" Korean.

Anyway, flight and hotels are booked.  That's about it.  I still have to cram my life into two suitcases and a carry on...and get my apartment packed up and into storage for the year.  And I'm not going to lie, I'm going to miss my life here.  I love my city (more at some times than others) and have fabulous friends.  And my cats are like my furry little children and it breaks my heart to leave them with my parents.

However, I am excited about the turn my life is about to take and I hope, you my dear, are excited too and will continue to read this blog as my adventure unravels.

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