Sunday, March 15, 2020


Still here...still case you were wondering.

Almost 2 months into the COVID-19 epidemic, and now that the WHO has officially declared a pandemic I thought I'd share a little of how it's been here.

Ready for the days and weeks ahead!

So, to be clear, I know all the arguements about how masks aren't really helpful for healthy people and more for sick people to prevent spreading their germs.  I don't actually think this paper/cotton mask is saving my life, but "When in Korea, do as the Koreans."  It's cultural and it makes the people around me feel better.

Before the mass outbreak, if you did not have a mask the bus driver would give you one.
For the first month or so, there were only a few known cases (this is an important distinction) here.  In fact, my school held it's graduation ceremony with all 3rd Grade students (roughly 400 kids) and their families without a second thought.  And I went on vacation...through the airport...with only minor concerns.  I was more concerned with being "Patient Zero" at my destination than catching anything on my trip.

I was gone just a little over a week and when I came back the situation had exploded.  (To clarify...when I returned there were 25 cases, and the next day, but then the number of cases shot into the hundreds on the third day.)  The number of cases was starting to dramatically rise (thanks to one of the infamous South Korean cults, but that's been all in the news and you can read up on that on your own.  I choose not to go down that road here.).

So what have done with myself since I clearly didn't update my blog?

Social distancing.  Ok, not especially hard for my introverted self, but have a few extra days to be alone and quiet in the office was nice...for a little while..the loneliness and cabin fever does eventually set in.  Korean teachers could work from home, but I need to go in or use vacation time...and honestly, I can "do nothing" in the office just as well as at home (since it's winter and I'm not naturally inclined to go outside if I don't need to) so I'll save my vacation hopefully for sunnier days.  But I have a new textbook for next year, and A and P to study, so it is nice to be able to take my time.  And besides the rush on face masks and hand sanitizer, there hasn't been a mad rush to stock pile so the marts have been nice and quiet without the crowds since most have switched to online shopping.

Wash my hands.  Harder than it seems here...since soap and hot water are not necessarily supplied in all bathrooms.  Soap and cold water is acceptable, so I bought "paper soap" (like you take camping) to take to work and at least have soap and cold water washes.  And I did cave and buy hand sanitizer, but in no way is this as good as a proper scrub.  Take a page from my culinary history...wash, rinse, sanitize.  It's a process.

Besides armchair quarterbacking all the public health responses (for all countries affected so far), it's been studying, youtube, cleaning, and slowly sorting things to throw away/sell preparing to return home next year.

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