Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New Year's Resolutions (2020)

Hindsight is 20/20, and so is this year.   Not going to lie, 2019 has given me some hard knocks and unexpected setbacks and I am glad to see it go.  It's left some bruises and scars and the damage runs deep.  On a personal level, I've had to come back from a long way and it hasn't been easy....but it wouldn't be my life if it was easy...I've always had to fight.  Some days are better than others and some days are still miserable, but I've always managed to pick myself up and dust myself off.

So, here's to looking forward to 2020!

I feel like every year, I resolve the basic "low weight/live healthier" schtick, but I want to give myself some tangible goals this year.

My first New Year's Resolution is to go back to school, part-time and then full time by 2021.  With my thyroid problems and surgery, I really came to see how important nurses are...I mean, I always knew, but until I had to depend on them, I didn't realize the depth of how vital they truly are.  Being in the hospital was hard, especially being in a foreign country with limited language ability, and the nurses were absolutely wonderful and worked really hard to help me feel comfortable with the procedures and during my stay.  I've decided that I'd really like to be able to help someone that way, and decided to go back to nursing school.  I have some pre-requisite courses I need to take/re-take (there is a time limit on science courses), which I will start online in January.  Three semesters/three courses (then one next year before I can enroll in the nursing program at my Alma Mater) and I'd like to dig in and make A's.

Second, I'd like to travel more.  I know that seems irresponsible with the task of school ahead of me, but part of my struggles has been collecting money owed and now that its finally being paid back, although slowly, I want to enjoy the fruits of my labors a little before heading back to the Western Hemisphere.  I've already had 2 trips last year (and I will get a blog up about them eventually) and would like to get a few more in before leaving Asia behind.

Next, I'd like to write more.  I am abysmally behind in my blog posts and want to remedy that, but also keep my blog current again.  So catching up on my travels, getting my Around the World Series up, I'd like to run a 365 photo journal again, but we'll have to see about that one.

Everything else runs into longer term planning, but this is a good start.

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