Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Adventures in Health Care: Thyroidectomy, part 1

So, today, I want to talk about my surgery experience here in Korea.  Again, it was another first, although not one I was looking forward to.  This is quite a long experience, so this will be a multi-entry posting.

A few months ago, I told you that I had thyroid cancer...aka, "the best cancer."  And I'm going to do a quick PSA: Ok, NO cancer is good cancer...let's be clear...and although it's not life-threatening and people can live without their thyroid, it's just a $hit thing to say that "it's not serious."  I know...I KNOW...people are just trying to be comforting and supportive when they say things like this, but really, it's unhelpful and comes across as dismissive.  Yes, I knew I wasn't likely to die, but there was always the possibility of it spreading into my throat, vocal cords and lymph nodes.  So, while I was very lucky that this was NOT my case, still...when you are talking to someone about their illness, try hard to not trivialize their thoughts and feelings.  ANY illness takes a mental and emotional toll, not just a physical one, so please use a little sensitivity.

But I digress.

First, of course, there was some drama concerning my surgery date.  SIGH.

Originally, I scheduled my surgery date for July 10.  That way, I could take sick leave for surgery and recovery time and still get in summer English camp.  It was a tight schedule, but it was manageable.  Then, 2 weeks before, I get a phone call from the hospital and they want to know when I can schedule my surgery.

Cue about 20 phone calls back and conversations with my co-teacher and supervisor about when I can schedule surgery and how much recovery time I'll need and if/when I can have summer camp....ARRRRGGGHHHH!

Ok, long story short, a lot of conversations.

I tentatively schedule my surgery from the following Friday (June 14), and go for pre-surgery tests and to get a "medical certificate" or a doctor's note so the school can process my sick leave.  At this point I am so stressed that I feel constantly on the verge of tears...and they tell me my July 10 surgery date is confirmed.

FFS, Korea!

Now, I'm just angry.

And apprehensive about having to go BACK to my co-teacher...and supervisor...and principal... to tell them that my original date still stands and all that stress from the last week was for nothing.  Actually, they were all very understanding and supportive and explained a little that that is more or less Korean hospital culture.  It's a "roll with the punches" and endure type deal.


It's late here...and this is a good place to stop for now.  I'll pick up next time to talk about the pre-surgery tests.

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