Saturday, August 27, 2016

Cafe Hopping: Cat Cafe

While I wait of my DNA testing results, I want to share something more fun with you.

Now, I'm not much of a barfly, not a club rat, or any of those "cool" cliques.  In fact, stay at home and crafting/reading are more along my idea of a "good time."  So, when I want to get out of the room and have a change of scene, I like to spend time in cafes...and Korea is jam-packed with them..which is wonderful.  They have the most wonderful "theme cafes" and I am going to work on go to as many as I can.

My first theme cafe is a cat cafe.  There's a lot of them around, but my friend and I went to the one in Myeongdong.

This one you take the tiniest, most claustrophobic elevator (or the stairs, if you're a bit more energetic) up to the third floor.  Before you go in, take off your shoes and change into "slippers," so you don't take anything nasty inside to the kitties.

"Foot Your shoes on the Shelf"...gotta love Konglish!

Once inside, you have to sanitize your hands (again, to keep the kitties healthy), put bags inside another big plastic bag (I guess for cat-health, too), and order your drink.  The person at the cash register will tell you the rules: 1) Certain cats had a collar, meaning they had sensitivities and you do not pet them.  2) You can play with the toys or feed them treats, but only the ones provided by the cafe. 3) Cats can get in your lap, but you cannot pick them up and/or force love on them.

I had CherryAde

Lots of kitties roaming around, but since we were there close to closing time in a rather touristy area, the cats were more or less over it.  It was a little disappoint that the one cat interested was the hairless one (which, sad to say, are probably my least favorite type of cat).  She got into my lap for a few minutes, but was quickly over that and moved on.

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