Sunday, July 3, 2016

Hello, Strangers!

I haven't written much since I moved to Seoul.  Not because my busy social life,  but because my new school keeps me SSSOOOoooo busy.  I've had a few other things going on, too...and I'll get to all that.  So, if you are interested in catching up, keep reading.  If you're only here for information on life in Korea, you'll have to wait for the next post. ;)

My new school is in the Mapo area of Seoul.  It's quite far to the west on the map, but as the crow flies it's really not terribly far from things.  It's 15 minutes-isa to Hongdae, but I can get most places in Seoul under an hour.  I know that sounds like a long time, but it's really because I am at the mercy of public transportation routes.  Anyway, my apartment it quite small...think what you can expect from a studio in a major metropolitan city.  But I don't have much stuff here, so a little creativity and strategic furniture buying, its livable.


I was lucky enough to get assigned to a middle school.  There aren't many secondary school positions left in Seoul...and even though I had been kinda sorta looking forward to the new challenge of teaching elementary school...I really do prefer the higher level classes.  That being said, teaching secondary school comes with challenges that elementary doesn't have.  Let's be honest, middle school is a tough age for anyone.

So, I have Grades 2 and 3...a total of 20 regular curriculum classes and a 2-hour after school class.   Which, that is a standard class load, so fair enough.  But this school seems to have all its events loaded toward the front end of the school year.  So far, we've had an English essay contest, English speech contest, first edition of the English newspaper, and speaking tests.  I'm hoping next semester will not be quite so tightly packed.  Not to mention I've had two "open classes," meaning anyone who wants to can come sit in on the class...super stressful!  In fact, for my second open class the district coordinator for GETs came.  Wow!  Now I'm on to preparing for summer camp.  Sigh!  No rest for the weary.

Changing jobs any time is rough...and I'll admit it's been a struggle this semester.  I have a few more months to decide if I want to re-contract for a second year here, so we'll see how this camp goes and how the fall semester starts.

It's not all been bright lights and city living...I've had some personal things to deal with too.  About 2 months ago one of my cats that I left with my parents died suddenly.  Bagheera, or "Bags", was not quite 8 years old and was seemingly healthy.  In fact, when I talked to my parents the night before (morning there) I saw him and he was just fine.  The next morning (it was evening there) my mom called hysterical because they had found him dead.  It was absolutely heartbreaking and devastating for me...I had never imagined that he wouldn't be there when I got back.  It was especially hard because I had him literally since his birth.  We'd been through a lot together, the last years of my undergrad, moving to Memphis, grad school, and I always though we'd go on to the next adventure together when I got home.  Even now, it's still really hard...I'd had for a long time and expected to have him at least a few years more when I got home.  It really hurt that I wasn't there for him when he died.  It felt almost like I had abandoned my child to die...uh, imagine I said that in the least "crazy, cat-lady"-ish way possible.
Bagheera in grad school (about 2011)

Baby Bagheera (2008)

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