Monday, August 17, 2015


This is a long one, so get comfortable.

I haven't exploited my students' work in a long time.  Not because they haven't done anything noteworthy (because I really am consistently impressed by their work), but because if I did that would be all I posted.

I just wrapped up summer camp...and this time, we learned about different concepts that effect our worldviews (like privilege and perception).  Basically, we were trying out basic cultural relativism.  We also tried applying these by watching The Outsiders movie and then taking a different perspective of the story.  Teaching some things (like privilege) were like beating my head against the wall, but they took to perception fairly well.

After talking about what perception is, each student has one picture by MC Escher (look him up, if you don't know) and to tell me their perception of the drawing.  So, here's what they told me.  I am leaving all their words exactly as they told me.

1:  I think the title of the picture is "The Life of human with stairs", because there are many stairs and men.  And most people are using stairs.  I guess its meaning is "Useful of Stairs."  Because some people are using for delivery, others are using the stairs to go up to the floor more easily, so I think stairs are very useful to people.  Finally, I appreciate about the stair: When I walked too many stairs, I usually anger.  But now I feel thankful about the stairs.

2: There is a castle, and some people is in there, most of them is going up the stairs, but the stairs are Mobius band.  So they cannot ascend the stairs more higher.  I think that castle means darkside of our life. We try to go up the stairs, but we are always is same height, and one person is sitting on stairs.  The other is on the balcony.  I think they mean the people who gave up.  So I think this picture symbolizes "Red Queen's Hypothesis."

(Teacher's Note:  Number 2's description is really quite genius.  I actually had to Google Mobius band and Red Queen Hypothesis.  I certainly didn't know those things in high school!)

1: There is a waterfall.  It looks like pasta and waterfall hot big wheel.  It looks like snack.  Castle has many chess, Queen Chess!  I think this picture's title is Queen Chess World.  Queen chess eat pasta, snack.  They will save their castle.  This picture's mean is "don't attack chess world."  When we attack that place, than Queen chess game.

2: I think this picture title is Mobius band.  Because I don't know that when this picture start and over.  I perception samsara in this picture.  Because these go round and round and I perception one more thing that is this drawing is excellent.

(Teacher's Note: I also had to look up samsara.  Really, where do they learn these things?  It's amazing.)

I think this title is that thought follows one after another about knowledge of life.  I realize that study don't have the end.  I like a crocodile and mini crocodile very cute.  World is turn.  Walking hardy, sometimes we are top.  Books and objects are knowledge and tool that helps more higher.  Job is turn.

I think that this mean self-esteem because I think this hand is grandfather's hand.  Grandfather sees another him in the glassball.  Maybe grandfather regrets.  Also, he regrets on he's conduct.  I watch the mirror for self-examination.

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