Sunday, March 1, 2015

It's Nothing You Should See the Other Guys...

Or you would if the other guys were not inanimate objects...namely, my desk, a chair, and the floor.

I just always wanted to say that.

And it explains why I have already deviated from my plan to write here regularly.


So, what happened is, I spent last week "desk warming"...a GET term for showing up at work and not teaching classes.  I actually don't mind too much because I have a lot of time to prepare new materials, repair old ones (like the class Scrabble tiles), and clean and organize my classroom.  So, I don't idly wile away my desk-warming hours...I stay busy doing the things I have to cram on top of my already full teaching schedule.

Anyway, I decided I needed to wash the windows in m classroom.  There is a small counter that runs the perimeter of the room, that if I stand on it I can just reach the top windows.  (I'm short, ok!)  So, I have to step into a chair then onto the counter.  So I am stepping down into the chair and lose my balance.


Down I go.

My face managed to break my fall on the edge of the desk.  Like my face hit the desk so hard that the desk not only moved, but the drawer popped open. :(

Thank goodness my face is not my fortune.

My legs get tangled up in the chair on the way down, and I have some lovely bruising on them too.  When I finally hit the ground all the air in my body is knocked out in a very un-ladylike grunt...I know because I actually heard it echo in the mostly empty room.

I'm not really sure how long I stayed on the floor, but when I finally thought I could move I had two thoughts: 1) That really hurt, and 2) I wonder if that knocked my new cavity fillings loose.

That sounds dramatic, but it really hurt that badly!

So, it doesn't look so bad in this picture.  And in all honestly, it's a much more "subtle" bruise than I thought it would be...but, and at the risk of sounding too much like a girl here, it hurts.

Generally, things are hurting less.  But that's really only because EVERYTHING hurt for a long time afterwards.  The bruises are looking less purple, so that's a good sign I suppose...

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