Saturday, August 2, 2014

EPIK 365 Day 313: Now We Can Start Talking About Hot Weather

For the past 2 months people have been complaining about the hot (and increasingly hotter) weather here.  I just want to say, and if you'll forgive me for going all "dirty South" for just a minute: "It's hot, but it ain't Memphis-hot!"  And from a girl who spent summers either digging up artifacts out of the dirt, hauling heavy equipment in and out of building in the heat of the day, or going door to door conducting research polls: "Quit your whining!"

I mean, I'm not gonna lie, it's hot, but for me, it's not unbearable...and it certainly hasn't warranted the use of AC until recently.  Today, the temperature peaked in the high 80s/low 90s, with enough humid to boost it up to feeling like (yes, just now) it's starting to feel like summer!

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