Tuesday, July 1, 2014

EPIK 365 Day 280: Carbonarra

Like, really real carbonarra…with cream and cheese and bacon!  Delicious!  And expensive…19,000 won for the pasta and a splurged on a Coke, another 5,000 won, but every bit worth it…besides, cream and cheese, and bacon are expensive here.  Anyway, I didn't this, I treated myself to lunch in Itaewon this weekend.  A fantastic Italian place called La Tavolta.  I don't really like going to Itaewon…the "vibe" is weird…but it can't be beat for international food.

Take Line 6 (the, uh, Dijon mustard colored one) to Itaewon Station and take exit 2.  Walk straight.  You will pass a giant fork that says "food" and walk about halfway down the next block.  The restaurant is just past the prom dress shop and alley way on the second floor.

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