Wednesday, July 30, 2014

EPIK 365 Day 310: Korean Dr. Pepper

It's a REAL Dr. in Korea!  My inner Southern-girl only damn-near cried with joy.  It was also the most delicious Dr. Pepper in the history of Dr. Peppers.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

EPIK 365 Day 309: More Peppers

I passed more peppers on the way home from the bus terminal.  It's apparently pepper drying season here.

EPIK 365 Day 308: Food

(Unfortunately, or whatever, it may be your's just not mine...) Itaewon is THE place for "foreign" (i.e., non-Korean food) in Seoul.  Most of the restaurants and the foreign food markets (with REAL cheese) are out Itaewon station Exit 2...but just in case you forget, you know you are on the right track because this giant fork at the top of the subway exit says there is food in this direction.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Student Video about Dokdo Island

One of my students made a video about Dokdo Island.  If you don't know, Dokdo is disputed territory between Korea and Japan.  It's kinda a hot button topic with Koreans.  Anyway, I am very proud of her work and wanted to share it with you.

The video is in Korean, but essentially, she is saying that Korea is a Mother and Dokdo is a Child.  Japan is a jealous Aunt that kidnaps the Child from the Mother, but the Mother is fighting to get her Child back.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Sunday, July 27, 2014

EPIK 365 Day 307: My Favorite Hostel in Seoul

Since, for me, a night out also means staying overnight.  My favorite little hostel in Seoul is Kimchee Guesthouse in Hongdae.  It's very clean and quiet...and cozy...reasonably priced...the staff is fantastic...and I usually meet some fabulously interesting people while I'm there.  I've stayed at other Kimchee locations, and they are all great, but this one is my favorite.

If you are looking for a place to stay in Seoul, check them out.  I highly recommend them!

EPIK 365 Day 306: Going Out Selfie

On the other hand, I feel very "un-Korean" because I don't really like having my picture made or taking hundreds of selfies.  However, getting ready for a night out, I felt photogenic enough to snap one really quickly.

EPIK 365 Day 305: My Go-To Travel Food

Ok, so, I feel more and more "Korean" as time passes...mostly because when I'm traveling and if I don't have to be up un-Godly early to catch my bus, my go-to food is kimbap.  I can grab a roll at my favorite little shop on my way to the bust terminal and eat on the road.  Then I am full and sleepy and can sleep most of the way to my destination.

EPIK 365 Day 304: Kimchi To Go

Individual-sized bags of kimchi...because, you know, a meal just isn't a meal without kimchi!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

EPIK 365 Day 301: Me in a Lotus Field

Ok, it's not a field "per se"….lotuses grow in ponds, but you get the general idea.  Anyway, I love lotuses and there were huge "fields" of them at the National Institute of Ecology in Seocheon.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

EPIK 365 Day 296: Learning About Ramyeon

My language club is making short videos about Korean culture.  This group wanted to talk about ramyeon and how to make it Korean style.  The girls put in a lot of work and time…and took a lot of initiative and their video turned out great!  I am so proud of them!

EPIK 365 Day 295: Sunflower

The house next to my apartment building has so many beautiful flowers outside.  I just happened to notice this big, perfect sunflower.

EPIK 365 Day 294: The Sweetest Thing!

Last month I had a student go to America for the first time.  He was so excited to go, but also worried about having to speak English so much.  He would come and ask me questions about what to expect, etc. while traveling and while he was there.  I haven't seen him much since he got back due to finals, but he came to see me yesterday and brought me a souvenir spoon from his trip.  That is just the sweetest thing!

EPIK 365 Day 293: Butter Chicken

This weekend also saw an indulgence with Butter Chicken and nan bread at First Nepal.  So, so good!

EPIK 365 Day 292: Cookies and Cream Frappes

Beautiful and delicious!   This Saturday took me to Cheongju to see the fabulous Marta and indulge at Art Espresso in the Chungdae neighborhood.

Friday, July 11, 2014

EPIK 365 Day 291: For Real?

Even speckled beans are prettier here?  I didn't buy them, so I can't tell you about the taste, but they caught my eye.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

EPIK 365 Day 290: New Rice Cooker

My new rice cooker came today….yes, that's right…I'm on my second rice cooker already.  And yes, I know I can make rice on the the stove…but THAT'S JUST NOT THE KOREAN WAY!  Besides, I only have one stove eye.  In my defense, I used the old "single" one ALOT.   So I went a little wild and bought a new, bigger one this time around.

This one is nice…simple on/off type…I don't need all the fancy buttons just now.  It has 5-6 cup capacity and a steamer basket.  I fully intend to wear this one out, too!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Sunday, July 6, 2014

EPIK 365 Day 286: Dream Eye Center

This week's adventures in Seoul took me to the Dream Eye Center in Gangnam.  There's also a clinic in Myeongdong, but since the Gangnam location is closer to the bus station…and generally the streets are insanely crowded in Myeongdong…I chose the Gangnam location.  I've been thinking about laser eye surgery for some time and since I needed at least an eye exam, I thought I'd go see what it's all about.

It is a NICE clinic.  Everything is super clean, with free wifi, and they have a wonderful English-speaking staff.  They even have computers you can use and a little coffee bar so you can have drink while you wait.

 The eye exam itself is very thorough.  And your consultant/case worker is very knowledgeable. I actually feel quite reassured about what the surgery entails.  I am waiting for DNA test results to come back…they test for…something…that disqualifies you from surgery…but provided that everything comes back ok, I will be having the procedure done.

Anyway, after the exam…with eyes numbed and dilated...I proceeded to do my best Ghandi-impersonation and wander the streets of Gangnam blind. Ok, I was assured that the numbness would wear off in 5 minutes, but my eyes would be dilated most of the day, but would be ok except for near vision fairly quickly.  And, yes, that's totally how it happened.  So I wandered to the big Kyobo book store and bought Korean cookbooks (in English).

If things work out, I'll post a more in-depth blog about my surgery.  But, if you are interested, Dream Eye Center Gangnam Location:

Take the Line 2 (the Green line) to Gangnam Station.  Take exit 1, at the top of the stairs, turn 180 degrees and walk to the corner.  It's on the 14th floor of the building on the corner…do not cross the street.

EPIK 365 Day 285: Bus Station Remodel, Part 2

So last week when I went to Seoul, the bus station remodel was still largely a work in progress.  This week, both the Paris Baguette and GS Convenience store were up and running.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

EPIK 365 Day 282: Bookshelf

I've been wanting/needing one for some time now and I finally broke down and bought one.  Seriously, it took longer to find the thing on gmarket than to put together.

Yes, those are my cat effigies on top.

EPIK 365 Day 281: Casserole

I have been…not homesick…but rather feeling the weight of all the time I have on my hands the last couple of weeks.  I broke into my care package stash and whipped up my favorite casserole from back home: chicken, yellow rice, and broccoli.  Yum!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

EPIK 365 Day 280: Carbonarra

Like, really real carbonarra…with cream and cheese and bacon!  Delicious!  And expensive…19,000 won for the pasta and a splurged on a Coke, another 5,000 won, but every bit worth it…besides, cream and cheese, and bacon are expensive here.  Anyway, I didn't this, I treated myself to lunch in Itaewon this weekend.  A fantastic Italian place called La Tavolta.  I don't really like going to Itaewon…the "vibe" is weird…but it can't be beat for international food.

Take Line 6 (the, uh, Dijon mustard colored one) to Itaewon Station and take exit 2.  Walk straight.  You will pass a giant fork that says "food" and walk about halfway down the next block.  The restaurant is just past the prom dress shop and alley way on the second floor.