Sunday, February 9, 2014

Apples to Apples

So, if I were going to be 100% honest…and I try to be…after my wild weekend I was not entirely up to teaching Monday morning.  Thankfully, I had order some games and things for my class that had come in before I left for vacation.  I decided that Apples to Apples required the least amount of prep work, so that was what I would do in class last week.

If you don't know, Apples to Apples has "red apple" cards that are nouns and verbs and "green apple" cards that are adjectives and adverbs.  The game is to pick a red apple that goes best with the green apple that was picked.  So, if my green apple was "happy" you find the red card that you feel is the most happy and be able to explain it.  Pretty simple…and I have a lot of faith in my students.  So, we play.

Some highlights:

     -We chose The Avengers because in the movie they save the Earth from aliens by fighting *points to word written on the board* courageously.

     -We chose "having a baby" because it is hard and lots of things can go wrong.

     -Recycling, because honest people recycle *mimes sorting trash* honestly and bad people do not.

     -The Middle East is lucky because they have all the oil.

     -We choose Daniel Craig because in the zero zero seven movies he survives many impossible situation, so he is very lucky.

     -The Royal Wedding because they have the important guests, flowers, food, the dress, ring, the media.

     -Foie Gras because it is one of 3 perfect food.  (So the best part of this one is that they then act out   
      foie gras with one boy being the goose, one cutting out his liver and the feeding it to another.)

     -Cholesterol because you get it from eating too much rich food.

     -Vomiting because if it is because you have eaten all the sweet foods then maybe it tastes a little sweet.

     -Global Warming because it is taking away the polar bears' home and polar bear tears make me want to do something.

And maybe the best one was "Exciting"
     -Why is a Honeymoon exciting?
     -The kid starts grinning and his friend bursts out laughing…
     -Never mind.  Don't answer that.  I don't want to know.

It was so much fun…I really enjoyed seeing the way my students think and letting them be creative and clever.  We will play again during the year…and not just because they beg for the green card (uh, they get the green card if their answer is best) or tell me "Oh, Teacher, I love you" or "Teacher, you are beautiful" when I give them the green card.  But because these students are so smart and clever and they work so hard and it is wonderful to be able to let them be creative and have fun.

Edited to Add:
     -Student 1: Teacher, this word.  What is meaning?
     -Me: When we say something is scenic we are usually referring to nature.  It means something is nice to look at.
     -Student 1: Oh, like Teacher.
     -Me: Laughs
     -Student 1: Kidding…kidding.
     -Student 2: No, really.

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