Saturday, January 26, 2019

2019 So Far

2019 is off to a rough start.

Actually, 2018 ended a little roughly, too.

I haven't written anything in a long time, but, like always, I logged in thinking I will change that.  No promises, of course.  However, I will take a moment for a least a little update.  (Not that anyone reads these.)

The Good:
I'm doing much better recovering from my thyroid.  My scar looks's barely visible now.  Over the summer the doctor increased my medication.  I feel great most of the time now.  My mood and energy have improved and after a rather slow start, I finally dropping the weight I gained from the hypothyroidism.

I was renewed for yet another year of teaching.  This will be my 5th full year teaching, and 6th year in Korea.  I'm actually a little tired of the teaching game and getting antsy and ready to move on to something else, but until my health is 100% and I have my last credit card paid and a little saved, I'll have to endure another year.  I did get another small raise, so hopefully another year of living frugally will have me on my way.  Overall, it's not bad, the kids are decent and my co-workers are actually nice, especially compared to other co-worker stories I've heard from other ESL-ers.

The Bad:
Yep, 2019 has been off to a rough start, relationship-wise.  It's personal and still painful and I have no interest in going into it here.  Thank you for respecting that.

And yes, I am getting really antsy still being in Korea.  I was originally only going to stay 1-2 year. waaaaayyyy back in 2013.  Five years later, I'm still here and committed to another year.  I stayed ofr  a lot of reasons, and actually have a little fear about ever being able to return home.  I fear living in Trump's America (I hated the man well before he was POTUS).  But I miss my family, friends, my city, and especially my cats.

But the year is young and I've already come this far.

I'd really like to go home and go back to school.  While I'd like to continue to my ph.D, or a second Master's, I'm actually considering going to nursing school.  I've spent a lot of time at hospitals the last couple of years and nurses have really been a backbone for me.  Plus already having an MA, I could possibly work in research, which I would love to be able to contribute to the world in a more significant way.

And because of some significant changes in my life, I'm hoping to get some traveling in this year. Fingers-crossed that nothing else happens with my health.

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