Monday, May 21, 2018

Sun Salutation Challenge

Woke up around 4:30 this morning to the sound of a mosquito buzzing around my head.  Actually, it startled me awake and I flailed around until it flew away...but at any rate I was now wide awake and going after that f-er with extreme prejudice.  It already bit me a day or two before...once on my forehead, once on my hand...and once on my f-ing face.  I don't mean to drop so many f-bombs, but I really hate mosquitoes...I've always welted up when bitten...and they LOVE my blood for some reason...but whatever species they have here cause swelling and fever in the bite and leave rashes that don't fade for weeks...and did I mention it bit me on the face?!?!?  I must not have had too big a feast off of my face because this one actually isn't swelling too badly.