Friday, June 30, 2017

Experiencing Hanbok!

A couple weeks ago was another first time experience for me....and after almost 4 years, it's nice that things can still be new.  My friend Rez and I went to GoGuan Studios for the "hanbok experience."

Full disclaimer, I have worn a hanbok before...I was about 2...and I don't remember it except for the pictures.  At any rate, I've been trying to mark things off my "Korean Bucket List."  And I think hanbok are flowy and colorful!

Friday, June 16, 2017

The Results are In!

I have the results from my DNA know, from way back last year.  Actually, they have been in for some took 2-3 months from the time I picked up my kit to the time the results hit my email...but life got in the way and I am just now sitting down to write my blog post about it.

Drum roll, please....