Thursday, May 14, 2015

Sports Festival

Two posts in one day, aren't you lucky?!?

Today is the first official day of the school's "Sports Festival."  Really, they've been having play-off all week, but today and tomorrow are the official "sports days."  It's a great chance for students to relax and have's great timing, too...the weather is beautiful and not too hot, so they can enjoy their time.  (Because last year it was postponed and it rained on sports sad!)

Anyway, on to this year.  There's soccer and dodgeball...tug-of-war...races...wrestling...and other things.  The best part is, I get paid to hang out and watch sports for 2 days! ^^

There's Always Time for Dental Hygiene....part 1

Bonus points to you if you know where that quote came from.

If you don't know, it's from Little Shop of Horrors....if you haven't heard of it, go look it up now...I'll wait.

Anyway, on to the story.

It has been some time since I've had a dental check-up.  One, because I hate going, and two, because back home in the States I could never afford it.  But I was having some pain so I thought I should go.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Yeah, so...

I've been gone for a while.  I'm not going to talk about that just now.

Anyway, among other things, I'm finding it too difficult to post a full-length blog every day.  So, I will make you guys (like, both of my a new promise.  I will post at least 1 full length blog every week.  In between times, I will try to post a mini-blog or two to hold you over.  Deal? should sign up for the email alerts. :)