Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Tasty Tueday: The Ramyeon Diaries: Shin Ramyeon

Shin Ramyeon is one of the most popular brands in Korea....and it's kinda easy to see why.

So, it looks like this:

Shin...from the Chinese xin...meaning lucky...so lucky noodles.  Nice marketing right there.  That also means that xin is also one of the few Chinese hanzi (Chinese characters) that my students recognize on sight.  Not that it matters in my line of work that students recognize Chinese characters, but it makes the Native Chinese Speaker at school happy.

It comes with a pack of dried scallions, too.  500 mL of water and 4.5 minutes later you get:

Hmmm....like I said, it's easy to see why this one is so popular.  The noodles aren't anything to write home about...standard ramyeon noodles...and again slightly thicker than the American versions.  The broth is slightly spicy...not unpleasantly so, and has the slightest "after burn."  Most Koreans add an egg to it, and I can see how an egg might smooth out the spiciness just a touch...and add a little protein.  Overall, I like it.

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