Thursday, March 20, 2014

Kids Say the Darnedest Things…Korean Edition

So, even though my kids may not be as inherently cute as those of teachers in elementary schools…the level of creativity and communication cannot be beat!

If you don't know…or a reminder if you do…my classroom is at the boy's end of the Grade 2 hallway. So, there are lots of teenage boys running around outside my classroom from time to time.  It has been a nice week so I like to leave my door open and get some fresh air.  I was working on lesson plans and I hear boys being boys.  Then one of them calls me and our conversation goes like this:

Student: Teacher, come here.

So I get up and start across the room.  (Because I have a deep-rooted belief that students come first in this line of work so I had damn well stop what I am doing and pay attention to them when they ask me to.)

Student: You have to see this.

He points into the changing room.

Student: He has nice chocolate (pronounced "choc-co-lat-uh")

My confusion must have shown on my face because then he proceeds to draw squares on his own stomach.

Me: You mean six-pack?

Student: Yes, six-pack.

Me: Ok.  Um, yeah, I should not watch students change clothes.

Oh!  The things my kids come up with never fails to amuse me!

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