Tuesday, September 8, 2015

If What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger...

...then I am going to live forever.

I just keep chugging along.  I'm exhausted...but I just keep moving forward.  Mostly because I'm scared if I stop I will never get going again. ^^

Just in case you haven't been paying attention I got pulled from my high school...which I absolutely loved.  In fact, I had more or less decided that as long as I stayed at that school I would be content with my lot here...and would more or less stay indefinitely.

Sadly, it wasn't meant to be.

Instead I got bounced to 3...THREE...middle schools.  Two of which I have to take the bus to...one is a heafty walk, but walkable.  So, my week looks like this:

Busy girl!

That is a 24 class schedule...at three schools...with 5 different textbooks.

I was really quite spoiled at high school.

In all honesty, I really do enjoy two of my school.  The students seem at least happy to see me for class, if not thrilled to be learning English.  Eh...the third...I am really just wasting my time with them.  With precious few exceptions, they just don't care.

It's a long way to winter vacation.