Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Long Time, No See...

I really love that phrase...mostly because it is a literal translation here.  It's clear and understandable.  But, I digress...

Admittedly, I have been terrible at keeping up with things on here.  Mostly because there is a lot going on and big changes on the horizon that occupy most of my awake time and brain function.  So, until all that is settled, I can't promise any new blogs with any regularity.  Deepest apologies.

But I will try to post what I can when I can...I promise.  In fact, I have a few posts in progress, that I just haven't gotten around to final edits and adding pictures.  If you were wondering, generally, when I am caught up with work I write posts during my free class time but since my personal photos live on my computer at home, I have to wait to add pictures and finalize posts.  But lately, by the time I get home and have free time, I feel completely unmotivated.  I promise I will try to do better.  I will also finally fill everyone in on what is happening once everything has settled and all the dust has cleared.

Until then, please keep checking back...or better yet, sign up for email updates on the right.  As always, a comment every now and then wouldn't hurt either. :)

Monday, July 6, 2015

In Case You Missed It...

North Korea has a shiny new airport.

I have to admit...it looks pretty swanky.  Posh, even.

And like everything in North Korea, it was presented to the world with all due pomp and circumstance.

But who is really going to use the airport?

Generally speaking, North Korea is the Fort Knox of countries...not many people go in or out.  So in the basest of realities it's all for show.

Anyway, take a look here: