Sunday, June 28, 2015

There's Always Time for Dental Hygiene...Part 2

So, on to the fillings.

These are the first cavities of my life, so I had a lot...A LOT...of anxiety about having them filled and even more about having them filled in a foreign country.  But it had to be done, so I had to get a grip and do it.

So there were two on each side...I opted to do one side at a time.  Because the fillings were expensive...and because I was worried about not being able to eat.  A girl's got to have priorities! :) actually ended up being a two visit procedure.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Adventures in Laundry...

Well, not so much an adventure, but a new experience nonetheless...which is nice since I've been here almost two years.  It's nice to know there are still new things for me to do.  Anyway, on to the story.

When the weather was shifting from winter to summer...with spring days altering between hot and cold.  The nights are still a bit cool, but I'd finally gotten to pack away all the heavy coats, hats, gloves, sweaters, and long underwear.  The challenge came with putting away my winter blanket...I wanted to put it away clean and fresh (because otherwise, ewww!).  I knew from experience that the blankets (which are more like American-style comforters) will not fit into my apartment's washing machine.  What's a girl to do?

She pulls them off the bed and drags them to the nearest "Self-Laundry"!