Friday, May 30, 2014

EPIK 365 Day 248: Presents

One of my sweet new Grade 1 students brought me some candy!

EPIK 365 Day 247: Political Shouty Trucks

If you hate political canvassing, you will hate this.  Political (for lack of a better description) "shouty trucks".  Think ice cream truck with a political message.  Politicians record their speeches and then pay these trucks to drive around town playing them at full blast.


My apologies, dear readers!  I have been neglecting full-length posts for some time now.  I'll be honest and say it's been a struggle to ave the time to get get the 365s up...I don't even make it some days.  But I love my work and my students...Let's just say I lesson plan and produce activities like a champ.

Anyway, I have a couple of things in the works for you...and a big announcement:

I will be staying in Korea for another year!

So, that means, more adventures to come!  I hope you stick with me and keep reading...and a comment or two would not be remiss. :)

EPIK 365 Day 246: Doors

Walking home from the clinic, I passed a more traditional Korean home.  They have these lovely, ivy-covered doors to their garden gate.  I had to stop and take a picture!

EPIK 365 Day 245: Best ID Photo Ever!

I had to have an ID photo made for my medical check-up so I could remain with my school.  Honestly, the BEST Id photo I have ever made!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

EPIK 365 Day 244: At Some Point This Just Becomes About My Ego...

That is all.

EPIK 365 Day 243: Not Quite the Same...

…But probably the closest  I can get here without paying an exuberant about of money for junk food.  They are no "Nacho Cheesier" chips..the aren'y "nacho-y" enough and the chips have a strong corn taste, but they are close enough to satisfy my craving.

Friday, May 23, 2014

EPIK 365 Day 242: Rice is Planted

Rice has been planted and is coming up nicely.

EPIK 365 Day 241: Another Love Letter

A student slipped this to me today.  Sweet!

EPIK 365 Day 240: New Bar in Town

Went to check out the new "bar" in town.  Cute little place, with an impressive selection of "foreign" beers and yummy snacks.

Fries!  Real fries!  With cheese powder…and sweet chili sauce!

And the weirdest "cheesesticks" I have ever eaten.  Not "bad", but weird…not my thing.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

EPIK 365 Day 239: Artistic Re-Working 2

Another talented student re-worked her picture from a mother changing a diaper to a  mother and child on a picnic.  Too cute!

EPIK 365 Day 238: Artistic Re-working

Finishing up some Mothers Day activities with some classes that missed them…I noticed one of the students had re-worked her picture.  Instead of a swan swimming, she changed it to a chicken laying eggs.  Very creative!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

EPIK 365 Day 237: So, THIS is in Korea...

And the damn candles cost nearly twice as much as back home.  Not that I let that stop me from buying one…but it will have to be a rare indulgence…not a staple like at home.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

EPIK 365 Day 236: Dino Donuts

Seriously, Korea?  You weren't winning me over enough already?  You have now combined dinosaurs (which I love) and donuts (which I really, really like)?  Sigh!  Too cute...I'm enamored!

Friday, May 16, 2014

EPIK 365 Day 235: More Teachers Day Love

Some more Teachers Day gifts from students.  These are especially meaningful because they came from Grade 3 students that I don't get to teach this year.  Have I said my kids are the best?  Because, really, my kids are the best!

EPIK 365 Day 234: Teachers Day Love

It started out as a Mothers Day assignment, but I was told that one of the students did not have a mother.  So, to keep this student from feeling left out, I changed the assignment to "The Woman You Love" Day.  I am so, SO touched that some of my students picked me!

EPIK 365 Day 233: Time to Get Crunky

Kinda like a Nestle's Crunch, but it's totally Crunky….lol...

EPIK 365 Day 232: Another Love Letter

Grading papers…it's a never-ending cycle, really.  Anyway, I came across this note.  I like love that this student changed his mind.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

EPIK 365 Day 230: Fresh, New Hair

Among other things (one being hit by a little boy on his scooter), I also got my hair "did" yesterday.  Even though hair styling (especially the cutting part) is not one of my things…I usually find it extremely stressful…I really do like getting my hair done here.  Apparently, even by Korean standards, I have good hair.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

EPIK 365 Day 229: My Award Winning Cake

Ok, so it is kinda, sorta cheating because at one time I was a professional…

But I went to a cake decorating event and my cake was one of the ones chosen as the best at the event.  Simple and elegant.

EPIK 365 Day 228: Getting Ready for Planting

I don't know if you can tell in the picture, but they've flooded the paddies getting ready to plant rice.

EPIK 365 Day 227: All My Students

We had another fire drill today….I managed to get this picture while the students were listening to the fire marshall.  Those are all my kids…all 700-ish of them…counting the 250-ish that I don't teach this year.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

EPIK 365 Day 223: Alive Jincheon

Ok, so I just noticed that these signs are everywhere.  I honestly can't say if it's because I have been unobservant or these are new as part of the initiative for Jincheon to become a city next year.

EPIK 365 Day 222: Gachi

Yes, another magpie picture.  I really like them…deal with it.   One of my co-teachers told me that these birds are considered good luck here and they appear in lots of Korean traditional stories.

EPIK 365 Day 221: Prayers for Korea

Yellow memorial ribbons for the victims of the Sewol ferry disaster.

Friday, May 2, 2014

EPIK 365 Day 220: Happy Birthday Buddha

This may be my new favorite thing in the world...a giant inflatable Buddha!

EPIK 365 Day 219: Roses

Spring roses are starting to bloom at school!

EPIK 365 Day 218: Korean Fried Pie

I can't remember what this is call...but they gave it to me at school.  It looks like it should be some kind of yummy fried pie thing, but its's got this kinda sweet bean mixture inside, but then again...that could just be the Korean version of a fried pie